This group was created to empower you and for you to empower each other to activate your ability to release the old and create the new constantly by accessing your highest potential and not looking outside yourself.
Meeting with each other monthly ensures consistency in your spiritual practice in empowering yourself and anchoring the discipline that is necessary for growth. It also allows for connection with other like-minded souls that will help you feel like you're not alone in this!
Join us for only $33 per month, and also get discounts on events a la cart!
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Available Sessions
*Located in Mount Shasta
*With the option to add a healing session or Galactic Contact!
Get my FREE Healing Meditation for
Calming Your Nervous System
This energy healing & meditation will help you calm your nervous system and bring more peace to your mind.
Relax into surrender as you release any blocks of resistance and open up the flow and just allow yourself to BE.
Courses & Meditations
Recorded Courses and Meditations on a variety of topics for you to watch at any time to fit your needs. Through this content you will be receiving DNA Activations and Upgrades and will be connecting with your family of light.
Energy healing is given in all of The Boujee Healer meditations.
Get The Portal Bundle Here!
This is a bundle of activations & meditations to assist in activating your abundance and align you with your highest timeline!
Work with the 7 Sacred Rays and activate the correlating chakras to open your channels to accessing higher frequency energies...
Be Boujee.
You CAN be boujee and spiritually awakened at the same time! Embracing your most authentic expression is what empowers others to do the same! We came to the planet to EXPERIENCE everything this wonderful place has to offer and that includes the BOUJEE life! When you are tapped into the true abundance frequency you understand that there is no judgement, fear or separation between you and anything you want! Being BOUJEE feels good! Imagine taking a trip across the world in a private jet. Staying in extravagant hotels, eating the finest food, wrapping yourself in beautiful clothing, looking and feeling great living your best life! We are ALLOWED to have this AND be spiritually tapped in at the same time! If this sets off a trigger this usually means there is an unhealed trauma creating more separation (which is the illusion) and this only blocks one from experiencing these amazing things the world we live in has to offer!! There are plenty of “spiritual teachers” online projecting their own unhealed trauma energies onto their following. Many of these teachers have been compromised and are being used as we are shifting into a higher consciousness, to mislead people that are waking up and assist in keeping everyone in the matrix with limiting beliefs so they cannot see the powerful creators that they are!
I was watching a video from one of these teachers and she was teaching things like “Any woman who gets fake lashes, lip injections, wears Chanel, etc is involved in demonic programming and we have to stop this!”. This did NOT resonate with me at all and I am extremely in tune with my spiritual path. The download I got in the moment after watching that video is the inspiration behind “THE BOUJEE HEALER”. I love me some fresh lashes, sparkly nails and a Chanel bag! And there is nothing wrong with this! It is ALL part of the human experience! When we ascend to higher dimensional states of consciousness the world will be completely different. So why not immerse yourself in the beautiful bountiful blessings and gifts this planet and it’s creator beings have to offer?! Adorn your body temple the way you feel best, enjoy the finer things immersed in the abundance frequency and live your best, Boujee Life!!!
Be Love.
Love is the highest frequency! It has the power to transmute and alchemize anything that is not love. The goal is to BE LOVE in every moment of our human experience. This takes focus, as we have been deeply programmed by experiences in our past that have caused trauma and triggers. How do we de-program and heal these for ourselves and others? By becoming the expression of LOVE when you feel the imbalance happening. The more you work on this the stronger you become as the ALCHEMIST in those moments and eventually you live in a constant and conscious state of LOVE! This raises your frequency and attracts more of it into your life in all ways. As I always say, “The heart is the new brain!” By filtering everything you do, say and react with through your heart first, you are alchemizing energies and creating through heart based consciousness. This assists in creating more unity consciousness in a healed collective of ONE. By raising your frequency through this work you affect everyone around you. You becoming the frequency of LOVE creates more light on the planet by dissolving the darkness! This is how powerful you are!
Be Whole.
Throughout our journey we experience trauma or painful experiences and parts of our soul are lost, hidden or fractured. These uncomfortable or painful feelings could be subtle or very obvious. This goes all the way back into past life, childhood and your current life. This can lead to one feeling lost, alone, depressed and stuck in a loop. The lost parts of the soul never disappear as they are energy which never dies. So, in the quantum world you can always reconnect with them and return to their natural, healed state. This is all part of the human experience that allows us to learn how to heal. When one begins a healing journey, you learn what’s called “soul retrieval”.
As you awaken and become more aware of your desire to heal and release these trauma and claim those parts of you back, you become WHOLE again. As a conscious being, you raise your vibration and are able to shift into CREATOR and out of victim. Naturally, you shift into a higher vibrational timeline that is now more in alignment with your healed, whole self. New experiences and relationships begin to happen in your life and you are more aligned with your true purpose and happiness. In order to BE WHOLE you must do the work. The focus becomes completely inward and realizing that as you become whole you assist others in doing the same. You fall completely in love with YOU again and every part of your experience. How beautiful it is to become WHOLE again.
Be Peaceful.
We have become so anxious and are constantly at war with ourselves as deeply programmed humans by trauma and fear. Remember what it was like when you were young and nothing bothered you. The only thing you thought about was having fun! Over time, life experiences caused emotions and some of these emotions were so painful or uncomfortable that you didn’t fully process them and they stored in your energy body. These act as a magnet and keep attracting experiences that match the frequency until you are able to heal it and clear from your body. Most of the time we close off our connection to Source and the higher realms and become even more disconnected from ourselves. Every aspect of our life is affected and we end up working from mostly the ego mind which holds limiting beliefs and behaviors that don’t serve us. This not only disturbs the peaceful harmonious energy balance within us but then projects into our reality and creates the imbalance in our lives. How do we BECOME PEACEFUL? Learning to quiet the mind and not give energy to thought forms by meditating in different ways helps reconnect with your own energy again and brings harmony and balance to the energy centers. As you bring in more positive affirmations and frequencies through meditation and healing work, you release blockages and bring your chakras back into a more balanced state. Your crown opens and connects you to source and all that is while your root grounds you into your physical life creating a feeling of peace and flow. This, of course, reflects in your reality. By creating this peaceful feeling every day you become stronger and stronger at it while your entire world becomes more peaceful to live in. This is how we create more peace and harmony on planet earth. As creator beings, it all starts within the US.
Be Yourself.
In a world that is so disconnected and programmed, being authentically YOU without any fear is the most powerful thing you can do. When you awaken to who you truly are you feel different than everyone else. Because of this, you may fear expressing yourself because people will laugh or be uncomfortable with your truth. Think of yourself as a node point on a golden grid of higher consciousness. As you awaken and start to elevate into your truth and shine that frequency out into the collective your energy reaches another open soul who is ready to awaken to their true essence. This creates a ripple effect across the planet and connects this gold grid which eventually raises the frequency of the planet. FEAR is the main consciousness that we are working on clearing from the collective currently. By releasing your fears of judgement and what people may think or feel about you and your truth, you step fully into your power and magical things begin to happen. You align yourself with people, careers, places and experiences that bring you more happiness and freedom. You start creating your ideal life! This also heals your throat chakra which is the center of our expression. Remember that fear is an illusion, it’s not real. It is a consciousness that has no power over you unless you give it permission. Releasing all of this fear allows you to completely BE YOURSELF and step into your mission here as a warrior of light!
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